EPS is proud to announce our latest program designed to keep your campus on the cutting edge of emergency management preparedness. Our Crisis-Ready Campus® Certification is an ongoing minimum training standards program designed to keep your campus prepared for any emergency that might occur. Achieving and maintaining this certification ensures your executives, first responders, faculty, staff and students are current in the latest campus emergency management training and best practices.
Crisis-Ready Campus® Certification further ensures your campus has the highest quality Emergency Operations Plan (EOP), that it is National Incident Management System (NIMS) compliant, and that it has been reviewed and revised by EPS on an annual basis. Lastly, Crisis-Ready Campus® Certification ensures your campus will maintain an adequate number of trained personnel to staff your Emergency Operations Center (EOC) and Executive Policy Group, including trained backups for every function.
Crisis-Ready Campus® Certification is achieved after the first year of the ongoing program and is maintained as long as your institution remains current on all program standards. All training, plan development, document review, and recertification will be conducted by EPS staff. The first two years of the Crisis-Ready Campus® Certification program are designed to raise your institution to an expert emergency management level and include the bulk of the training and plan development. Year three and beyond are intended for re-currency training and plan maintenance to keep you at the pinnacle of emergency management proficiency.
* 2-4 half day sessions to be conducted over two consecutive days
Once Crisis-Ready Campus® Certification is achieved, your institution will be allowed to show itself as a Crisis-Ready Campus®, market itself as a Crisis-Ready Campus®, and display the Crisis-Ready Campus® trademark as you see fit.
Please contact EPS for more information on program details, availability and cost.